So, a new year and new year resolutions for many of us, I spent the Christmas period reflecting on 2022 and thoughts of what 2023 will bring for myself, my family and Broster Buchanan.
This led me to listen to the Diary of a CEO podcast episode “Scientific Rules for Making & Breaking Habits in 2023!” @stevenbartlett gives a fantastic insight into 5 rules to follow that have been backed up using the latest from the field of neuroscience and psychology, these rules are:
Rule 1: Stress is your puppet master
Rule 2: Know your Cues
Rule 3: Don’t focus on stopping bad habits, focus on breaking them
Rule 4: You need a better reason to quit
Rule 5: Willpower is not enough
Bonus rule number 6:
I highly recommend taking a listen to this podcast, here is the link.
Based on this I have kept my resolutions // Habits simple and reflective of what I really want to change in my life, by asking myself a simple question (which is explained in this Podcast) – Do I want to do this? YES or NO – asking this simple question reveals if you actually want to make a change or not.
My Resolutions // Habits for 2023 are based on being the best version of myself for me, my family, my friends and my colleagues at Broster Buchanan.
1. Continue my fitness journey which in term helps my mental health and in turn creates my foundation for me, my family, my friends and the Broster Buchanan team. I have started to choose better options when it comes to food and drink, go to the gym 4-5 times a week and I have also introduced fasting into my daily routine, again another fantastic episode from The Diary of the CEO with Doctor Tim Spector “The Shocking New Truth About Weight Loss, Calories & Diets!” This was a game changer for me to really challenge what I’m eating and how, here is the link, highly recommend taking a listen:
2. New year and new role as I step into the Chief Revenue Office (CRO), this is new territory for me and for Broster Buchanan, a role that reflects the hard work and growth of the business from everyone (past and present) over the past 8 years, a role that we feel is going to be vital to the business in 2023 and beyond. The focus is to partner closely with our clients (current and new) to ensure we are partnering to achieve commercial solutions that offer real value. I am passionate about people and understanding how to provide solutions by working in partnership to help businesses grow with the best talent for their business. As Broster Buchanan continues to grow across the UK and Internationally it is important to me that Broster Buchanan’s DNA remains as we continue to evolve as a business. I know this is going to be both challenging and rewarding and will take me out of my comfort zone, to quote Richard Branson “I don’t think it would be much fun not to be outside my comfort zone”.
3. Have no regrets, I know I will make mistakes throughout 2023, and I am keen to take the mindset of embracing a mistake and learning from it and moving on. I am considering putting a regular blog together to share my experiences (this is 100% outside my comfort zone!) Watch this space.
I hope someone finds this helpful in achieving those resolutions by creating habits that they really want to achieve in 2023 and beyond.