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    Nearly 6 Years at Broster Buchanan and a 4 week sabbatical!

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      Nearly 6 Years at Broster Buchanan and a 4 week sabbatical!

      Nearly 6 Years at Broster Buchanan and a 4 week sabbatical!

      As I approach the end of my 6th year with Broster Buchanan I am keen to share some of the highlights of the journey.  There have been many highs, a few lows, but all in all it’s been a brilliant 6 years.

      I joined BB in 2018 as a Senior Consultant having spent the first 5 years of my recruitment career within an international corporate recruitment business.  While I had worked with some of the team previously, it was still a huge change in culture and environment.  I went from a glitzy Manchester City Centre office to a small office in Altrincham above Wetherspoons (a big perk in my mind).

      Fast forward a few years, and it’s been brilliant to play a part in the BB journey (we are still in Altrincham, but the office has improved significantly).  Whilst there have been many challenges along the way, such as the COVID pandemic, it has been a journey of growth for me both personally and professionally.  On a professional level, I’ve been promoted twice and am now the Business Director for the Northwest Finance business. On a personal level, I’ve moved house, bought a dog, and got married in August 2023.

      The timing of my wedding couldn’t have been better, as it coincided with me reaching 5 years at Broster Buchanan, entitling me to a four-week paid sabbatical.  There are many great things about working at Broster Buchanan, but without a doubt this is one of the best benefits.

      My wife and I decided to use this as an opportunity to take an extended honeymoon and have just returned, having spent 18 nights in Sri Lanka and 5 nights in the Maldives.

      It was an amazing trip filled with beautiful scenery, wildlife, history, and amazing food!  The fact that I was also able to turn off my work phone and completely switch off for the four weeks was a massive bonus.

      I’ve loved my time at BB and can’t wait to see what the next 6 years have in store!


      Alex Mackenzie
      Business Director