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    April Update

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      April Update

      April Update

      Hope everyone has had a great April another month that has seemed to have flown by, maybe down to the Bank Holiday weekend and I also took some time out with the family for a long weekend in a VW camper Van. I have to say I was a little concerned at how 2 boys, a dog and my wife and I would get on in such a small space, however I am happy to report, we loved it! Being out in the fresh air, on the beach and eating some amazing fresh fish made for an amazing weekend!

      We have had another positive April as a business. Highlights for me are signing the contract to partner with The AA Group which has been a lot of hard work over the past few months, we can’t wait to start supporting this great business across IT, Finance, HR, Change & Transformation projects. We have also started to work with a new client that is rolling out a new D365 ERP project across Europe, which is exciting for the team. We have also had a new joiner to our Salesforce US Practice, which is really exciting!

      I mentioned in a previous blog that some of the BB team are looking to do a Tough Mudder again this year. We are looking to do this in August. Once this is all booked, I will share which charities we hope to raise money for! 😉

      Our new BB Values are starting to be embedded into the culture of the business and the new BB website is starting to be developed to really showcase these values.

      My Fitness journey update…

      So, I have been a bit of a Geek in April, I have used a bit of science to work out exactly what weight I need to be to hit my current target of 12% body fat. It turns out I need to get to 95.4kg, as opposed to the 98kg I thought so in my previous blog. To calculate this I needed to work out what my Lean body weight would be, basically what my 0% fat weight would be. To do this I used the following calculation.

      My current body fat (16.7%) divided by 100 x my current weight (100.8 kg) = My current total body fat (16.83kg)

      Then to work out my Lean body fat I used my current weight (100.8kg) and took away my current body fat (16.83kg) = My Lean body fat (83.97kg)

      From here I then used my Lean body fat weight (83.97kg) divided by my goal body fat (12%) = Target weight, which will be (95.4kg)

      This means I am looking to lose another 5.5kg, with a target of losing 0.714kg or 1.5 lbs a week. Based on this it will take me 8 weeks, but I plan to allow for 10 weeks for any ‘cheat days’ over the coming months. I should hit my target just in time for my 45th birthday (9th July).

      I came across this video by @jeremyethier who runs a business called Built with Science, this gives some really useful information. He also explains the formula above much better than I.

      This month’s Podcast Recommendation

      I am halfway through this one with the French biochemist and bestselling author Jessie Inchauspé. After an accident that resulted in Jessie breaking her back when she was 19 years old, Jessie became interested in the ways to achieve optimal health and well-being. Jessie followed this passion in her career, working as a product lead at the genetic health start-up 23andMe. In 2019, Jessie started the @glucosegoddess Instagram account, which shared data from her experiments with a continuous glucose monitor. These experiments looked at the impact of various foods on her glucose levels and the subsequent effects on her physical and mental health. In 2022, Jessie published her bestselling book, ‘Glucose Revolution

      Have a great May and enjoy the extra Bank Holiday!