As February ended it’s great to see the mornings getting lighter and a hint of spring is upon us (minus the recent snow!). The month seemed to disappear in a flash, with more great meetings with clients and the BB Teams, visiting both the Leeds and Manchester offices throughout February to spend time with the teams and to discuss some positive projects we are engaged with across the UK.
I am humbled by the fantastic people we have in the business; this has been highlighted even more by our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) project team, which is made up of colleagues across the business who have been working hard on getting this right by ensuring everybody in the business has given their thoughts and views on what BB means to them.
The Values that have come from months and months of engagement across the business are:
More information about this and what these values mean to BB will be revealed over the coming months, I can’t wait to share more on this in future blogs.
The BB Team have had another great month of positive feedback! We’re incredibly proud of our 4.9/5 star rating with over 300 reviews. It’s a clear testament to the hard work and dedication of the #Brosterbuchanan team.
Take a look at the Broster Buchanan Sourcr Profile here.
February has been a good month, not in weight loss but more in body composition, bringing down my body fat and Visceral Fat and ensuring I am maintaining muscle mass.
I have invested in some fancy scales that measure not only weight but also everything below. Only £19.89 on Amazon if anybody is interested…
My focus has been to bring down my Visceral Fat. Visceral body fat, also known as ‘hidden’ fat, is fat stored deep inside the belly, wrapped around the organs, including the liver and intestines. It makes up about one-tenth of all the fat stored in the body, too much visceral fat can be dangerous for your health. Health direct describes this as: “Visceral fat is sometimes called “active fat” because it plays an active role in how your body functions. Too much visceral fat can lead to serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke”. A healthy percentage is said to be anything below 11%, by bringing this down it will in term bring down my body fat percentage (Target 15%) and hopefully my body’s age!
To hopefully help this, myself and some of the BB Teams will be doing a Tough Mudder again in August with the aim of raising money for multiple charities, this will be the 15k, 30 obstacles event being hosted at Badminton.
I will be asking for donations over the coming months 😉 and will keep you updated on my progress.
I’m keen to give a shout-out to Liam holder who owned a company called Urban Training and has been my PT for the past 15 months, if you are in the Birmingham area I would highly recommend reaching out to Liam if you need fitness advice / PT help, check him out on LinkedIn
The Health Expert: The One Food (WE ALL EAT) That’s Killing Us Slowly: Max Lugavere, talks about when your waist expands your brain shrinks, sugar, the keto diet and much more, feel free to click on the link below, feel free to check it out…