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    Getting to know…

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      Getting to know…

      Getting to know…

      Alex Mackenzie, Business Director.

      Tell us a bit about yourself…

      I have a degree in Maths & Finance, and I fell into teacher training after university which resulted in two years of qualified teaching secondary school aged children. I loved working with people so when I decided teaching wasn’t for me, I knew I didn’t want a conventional desk job, I wanted to do something that would have an impact on people’s lives.

      A friend recommended recruitment because it’s people driven. I specialise in finance recruitment, because it’s related to my degree it is a world I understand and can relate to. There’s a real compassionate side of recruitment, helping people to find a role when they need it. Whether it’s to find their dream job or a job ASAP because there are bills to pay, every day I am dealing with people and their lives and for me to be successful these people need to buy into me personally.

      I worked for a large recruitment business for five years before I joined Broster Buchanan which was a great platform to learn from. I moved to BB to progress, it’s different here, I find business decisions are made based on what’s right for the people, not just the business. I have been given an open platform to develop at a pace that suits me; five years in and the culture is still like a breath of fresh air.

      What drives you?

      Doing my job well gives me real satisfaction. Knowing I’ve supported someone with a great step in their career, genuinely impacting the careers of candidates, that’s an incredible feeling! As is managing my team, to support them in achieving their goals, that’s the teacher coming out in me. I am financially motivated too, so working within a business surrounded by people at the top of their game gives me immense motivation to ensure I perform to my maximum every day.

      Career highlights

      The challenges the pandemic brought makes me feel really proud to have come out the other side having grown my business and developed professionally. Being trusted to own the Northwest business is a big milestone in my career, it’s what I’ve wanted to do since I started in recruitment 10 years ago.

      Personal facts

      I’m a proud Dad to Ralph who is a 3-year-old cockapoo! I love to exercise, particularly setting myself a challenge and have run two marathons to date, in Manchester and York. In my downtime I enjoy socialising, cooking and for my sins I am a Burnley FC season ticket holder. I am getting married in August so there’s a lot to be organised between now and then; 2023 is set to be a big year for me both professionally and personally!