I was working for a travel company in a customer service role and enjoyed working with people, but I knew I wanted to do something different. I am a very driven person and decided to put myself out there on a job board. I got approached for a junior support consultant role focusing on the travel industry. I studied travel and tourism at university, so sticking with my routes and being financially driven felt like a good move for me. I worked in that role for 5 years and climbed the ladder to a team leader role. It was a small agency, and I knew that to progress, I needed to move on, which I did by moving to a competitor for another five years. By the time I had the itch to move on, I had my little boy, so the culture of my new role was more important than ever before. I needed a good work-life balance. I had positive discussions with some of the leadership team at BB and I just knew it was the right move for me, that was in the Summer of 2022.
I’m a people-pleaser; therefore, client and candidate satisfaction is super important to me to ensure I’m servicing everyone the best I can. Honestly, I’m financially driven, especially with our young family, to ensure we can have nice experiences with the kids.
I expect open and honest communication about what is going on with the company I work for. I do feel like we have that at BB with regular updates, which are always candid two-way conversations. In my day-to-day role I need my line manager to be openly available to support me whenever required, but I don’t need to be micromanaged! Our weekly team meetings mean I know what everyone is working on and the successes and challenges they are facing, so we can use each other as a sounding board. Then I can go and work by myself for the rest of the week, knowing I have a great support system at BB if I need it. My Line Manager, Phill Westcott, and I have a great relationship; he is supportive but also trusts me to get on with my job. It’s a working environment I thrive in and feel very lucky to have.
Quite simply, lovely! Everyone is open and friendly and, honestly, a breath of fresh air. I’m constantly learning from my team, and everyone gets it that work isn’t everything for me, I have a family I prioritise, and I am supported to perform the absolute best I can without it being a detriment to my family.
I’m a bit of a social butterfly; I love spending time with family and friends. I have a little boy, my husband and I love to spend our weekends on day trips to the farm and the park, and he is absolutely my main focus in the world. I’m currently pregnant again, which I’m very excited about. When I’m not pregnant, I love to keep active and drink wine!