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    How to use AI to assist in finding your next role

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      How to use AI to assist in finding your next role

      How to use AI to assist in finding your next role

      Lucy Rider shares her top tips on using AI to assist you in finding your next role


      The Challenge: Everyone is talking about AI; how should I use it to maximise my chances of success?

      The Solution: Use AI and things like Chat GPT as a tool, not a substitute!

      Recently, I attended a seminar hosted by APSCo and Squire Patton Boggs on how AI is influencing recruitment. While a lot of the focus was on the legalities of how to use it (basically, the law is still the law whether or not it’s concerning AI, so things like GDPR etc still apply) and how recruiters are using AI to automate some processes, we spent less time discussing how candidates are using AI to augment their job search.

      I’ve previously talked about how AI can assist in preparing for interview questions and researching topics, but here are some observations where it’s important to remember to use your “human” element to check before sending!

      • AI can help you write a covering letter, you can drop in a Job Description and ask it for an example letter, BUT remember that letter is going to be generated from a lot of generic content, and the best thing about you is that you are unique! Use it as a prompt, but make sure it’s authentic to your tone of voice and that it sells your unique qualities as a candidate! I’m getting more applications with covering emails that are identical and obviously generated by AI – standing out in a busy market with your uniqueness is important.
      • AI can also help you write a CV, but I’ve seen an increase in CVs recently that are sparse on detail missing off essential qualifications and the sort of information I’d expect to see on a CV such as contact details, qualifications, training courses etc so again use it as a place to get an idea for a template, but don’t outsource this critical task of your job seeking to AI.
      • Anecdotally I’ve heard reports that there is a chance people might be using AI to answer questions on online tests or complete application forms for them – this will potentially help someone secure a new role, but the risk of not passing probation periods if you’ve misrepresented your skills and abilities is high! I’m a strong believer that transparency and honesty are always key and you don’t want to set yourself up to fail.
      • Chat GPT can lie! If it doesn’t know the answer, it will make an “educated” guess, this is risky if you are using it to cover a subject matter you are less well versed in, so always ensure if you are using it in applications it’s there to support and not replace your own work

      Lucy Rider
      Business Director