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    Midlands Business Forum: The opportunities and challenges of 2023 (Birmingham)

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      Midlands Business Forum: The opportunities and challenges of 2023 (Birmingham)

      Midlands Business Forum: The opportunities and challenges of 2023 (Birmingham)

      Midlands Business Forum

      Tuesday 28th March

      3:30pm — 5:00pm

      Venue: Trowers & Hamlins, 10 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2QD

      • Registration and refreshments 3:00-3:30pm
      • Networking drinks from 5pm
      • Welcome & introduction
      • Kevin Moran, Co-Owner and CRO, Broster Buchanan Ltd
      • APSCo update

      Moya Rylands, Membership Director, APSCo

      UK Economic update – The opportunities and challenges of 2023

      Frances Haque, Chief Economist, Santander

      Frances will focus her presentation on the big four macro-economic factors currently affecting recruitment organisations.

      • GDP
      • Inflation
      • Unemployment
      • Bank Rates

      Then to better help us understand how we need to flex our business strategy for 2023, she will examine the drive for productivity, demands for investment and skill needs.

      Panel discussion – “The importance of flexing your business strategy to mirror changing economic and political landscapes”

      Jason Blakey, Co-Founder, Gleeson Recruitment Group, Stephen Rookes, NED, SRC Consultancy, and Graham Lucas, Managing Director, Page Group.

      During this interactive session our panellists will share their experiences and successes in creating an agile recruitment business that can adapt to changing and challenging market conditions. Please come armed with questions that will help drive your business growth and profitability for 2023 and beyond.

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