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    My opinions about gender diversity in the teams I have been part of

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      My opinions about gender diversity in the teams I have been part of

      My opinions about gender diversity in the teams I have been part of

      The BB team have asked for my opinions about gender diversity in the teams I have been part of.

      Throughout my career, I have worked in many teams, and of course, they have been made up of different people, personalities, and backgrounds. Looking back now to my PLC career, the leadership teams I worked with and for were often limited in gender diversity, and I can see how these teams were culturally very different from the ones we have been fortunate enough to build at BB.

      As many people who know me are aware, I had a very fortunate upbringing that without doubt shaped my outlook on life, although perhaps not in the way that some might think. Being sent to boarding school from the age of eleven, my family unit became the teaching staff and pupils. During our holidays, we were looked after predominantly by my mother on her own in Scotland. My father travelled a lot with work, and therefore there is no doubt that my mother took the lead on bringing myself and siblings up. I went to her for all advice, guidance, and support and this shaped my outlook on the importance of female perspective for me. I know this was also the case for my sister and brother, as she was a massive positive influence for all of us throughout our lives and careers.

      At BB, we have always tried to build gender-balanced teams, and our leadership team is currently >50% female. This provides an excellent environment to share opinions and views across all aspects of the business. Incredible women run a number of our consulting teams and all our central functions – marketing, finance, and HR. There is no doubt in my mind about the benefit of this diversity in the team, as debates and decisions are balanced, made with a good breadth of opinions, and not dominated by any one style. We are extremely lucky at BB to have these amazing people helping to shape and grow our business.

      Following the recent release of the FTSE Women Leaders Review, gender balance is improving across the UK landscape and businesses of all types and recognising the benefits and rewards of more diverse leadership teams.

      As a father to two girls, I am acutely aware of the need to build a balanced business that gives everyone the same voice and opportunity. If we continue to do this at BB, then that will be a pretty good legacy to create alongside continued success in performance and growth.