Following on from the blog I wrote last week on Rules of making and breaking Habits in 2023! I discussed that I plan to take myself out of my comfort zone and have no regrets. For me, this starts with being more active and open on social media to give more of an insight into me and not just Broster Buchanan.
From a business perspective, I get a lot of joy out of Broster Buchanan and all the great things the team are doing around the levels of service to clients and candidates which is backed up by some amazing feedback
Where I really struggle is to give more personal insight. For several reasons, I am dyslexic so by nature I overthink every word I write, making sure it is spelt correctly. My brain works much faster than I can type; this gives some interesting sentences that have to be reworked, which takes me longer than most to put content out! Prime example, I am currently writing this in word to ensure I limit grammar and spelling mistakes (Although I am not sure if this is exclusive to being dyslexic to be fair!)
Secondly, and probably most important, I’ve never really felt I have much to say that people would find interesting. If I’m right this will be a very short-lived exercise!
So here I go… My WHY!
If I was asking this question 20 years ago my answer would have been very different. My previous life was running an event company that put on club nights up and down the country and holidaying in Ibiza and Marbella. In those days I felt like I was in a bubble that carried on from my university days. Some amazing memories and interesting stories, although I’m not quite ready to share any of these on Social Media! 😉
So when I realised I needed to grow up and get a “Proper Job” as they say, I had no idea what that looked like. I had some good friends that were in the world of recruitment and after several conversations, I decided why not to giving it a go. What I realised very quickly is that there are lots to learn, and it was really hard work. I had been dealing with 100’s of people every night so I thought recruitment would be easy! Who was I kidding?
Dealing with people is hard right?! For example, people change their minds and have uncontrollable circumstances happen that change everything. I quickly realised that the role of the recruitment consultant has so many variables to consider both on the client’s and candidate’s side. For example, for a client, this hire could be the difference between them delivering on budget, getting into a new market, and pushing the business to the next level of growth and for the candidate, a new job can be as important as getting married, buying a house, and in some cases starting a family.
I recently read somewhere that it is important to share the knowledge you have gained over the years to help the next generation. I have so much to discuss on recruitment and share based on my experiences, but not for now, I will leave that for another blog.
Recruitment has given me so much over the years, most importantly it has given me the opportunity to be able to support my family, which brings me to my WHY!
These pictures below of my family are my WHY. I am on my fitness journey to ensure I keep myself as healthy as possible, (both body and mind) to keep up with our boys and the dog when it comes to playing football in the garden, running around in the park, in the pool and everything else young boys get up to. Not to forget the rock of the family, my wife, she is outnumbered 4 to one if you include the dog, she somehow manages to run the household whilst running around after the boys in the week and still finding time to work, this allows me to focus on the business.
This WHY gives me focus, even when I’m not having the best day to keep pushing hard to help the BB team edge forward with our strategy. This WHY can drive me mad sometimes but then can melt my heart with and a “I love you Daddy”. Even whilst I strive for more every day, this “Why” makes me grateful for what I have.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
#brosterbuchanan #mywhy #noregrets