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    The Women in… Podcast – Series 3, Episode 3: Featuring Muriel Barre, a Business Transformation & Change Delivery Expert

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      The Women in… Podcast – Series 3, Episode 3: Featuring Muriel Barre, a Business Transformation & Change Delivery Expert

      The Women in… Podcast – Series 3, Episode 3: Featuring Muriel Barre, a Business Transformation & Change Delivery Expert

      The Women in… Podcast – Series 3, Episode 3: Featuring Muriel Barre.

      Muriel Barre is a business transformation & change delivery expert with 25+ years of experience in top-tier consultancy and global organisations. She has worked in customer/process-focused, regulated environments and across the life cycle of projects, in the UK, Europe, Asia, and America. She has led her boutique transformation consultancy since 2011, helping leaders in Financial Services and Insurance to accelerate delivery and drive remarkable performance.

      In this podcast with Phill Wescott, Muriel discusses her career journey and shares her views on strategies to execute strategy and driving projects to success, the importance of having engaged sponsors, high performing teams, mentoring and many more.

      Hosted by Phill Westcott


      Watch the episode here:

      Listen to the full episode here: